Saturday, 23 May 2015

Mother & Daughter

I remember when I was a teenager. No other girl had the relationship like the one I had and have with my Mom. I really didn't understand why. I have always had a wonderful relationship with my Mom. I can ask her "Do I look fat in this?", and know I will get an honest but loving answer. And she can count on me for the same. 
I honestly could never fathom how much my Mom (and Dad) love me until I had children of my own. I changed on a molecular level. 
Today I had the pleasure of spending the day with my daughter and although we are at the beginning of her teenagehood, I think we have a relationship like my Mom and I have. We drive in the car, with the windows down singing at the top of our voices to the soundtrack to RENT.  Often the salespeople, when we are out shopping, laugh at our loving banter. 
I have so much fun when we are out together. We laugh and are honest about what looks good or not. 
Yes I am still her Mom and have to be the "bad guy". But as her Mom that is my job. I love her enough to let her hate me for a while. 
Parenthood is tough. But a day like today makes every rough tough moment worth it and then some. 

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