Friday, 17 July 2015

Family and Its Many Wonders.

Christina and Daniel, July 17, 2015

Today was an extraordinary day. My nephew Daniel married a beautiful young lady, Christina. It was the chance for the extended families of both bride and groom to come together and celebrate. As I have not been part of Christina's family until today, the following observations are of The Maidens Clan. 

I am sure we are not unlike other families in that large get togethers get limited to weddings and sadly funerals. We are have lives of our own, children responsibilities and jobs that overwhelm the idea of planning just a big party for the Hell of it. I fault no one for this. 

The Maidens Clan is large and far reaching for many reasons. My brothers and sisters have been born in four different countries (Canada, USA, Jamaica, Colombia). And now we live in five different countries (Canada, USA, Columbia, Domincan Republic & Haiti). So geographically, we are challenged to impromtu casual gatherings. But thankfully for for this special day, all my siblings were in the same place at the same time. 

Each of us have had our own personal challenges in our lives that may have kept us apart. These may include financial or emotional or others. Again I fault no one for this. We all have our own pathes to walk and it would be unrealistic that such an eclectic group of people would have pathes that meet perfectly. 

I am the youngest at 45 years old. Four and a half decades is a long time to wait. I was overwhelmed both by the fact we were here but also by the fact that it took so long for it to happen. 

My father is now almost 80 years old. He has become frail over last few years, and feels that his time is coming soon. I don't think I am the only one who believes he is just to too onery too die. There is that old saying: Only the Good Die Young. Lol. 
I could see the emotion in my father as he watched his children talking with each other, exchanging hugs, and sharing stories of his grandchildren. I don't think I would be lying or exagerating that he too was  overcome with joy and perhaps a little pride. We said often over the day that among his children, there is not a "dud" to be found. Regardless of their differring life experiences, they have all turned out to be good people. A great big thanks goes to their mothers, Vicky and Anita. 

I think what my point is that we really never know what God and the Universe has in store. Things that we think are impossible, may just be around the corner. God has often put my best made plans to shame and I am grateful. But on this day I am grateful to my God and the Universe that you saw fit to have a family, that at sometimes has been divided, together in happiness and love. 

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Canada Day 2015

Happy Canada!!!!

I have said before and I will say it again, and until I die, I AM A PROUD CANADIAN. 

Today is not a day for politics or to share about my disatisfaction with our present government. Today is a day to let the world know we live in the best country in the world. We have more reasons to be proud than most Canadians know.

•We are the 2nd largest country in the world. 

•We have the only military force that completed their D. Day Mission on schedule. 

•We have 2 official languages. 

•Toronto has been listed as the most multicultural city in the world. 

•We are the most educated country in the world, with over half of our residences having a college degree. 

•Montreal is the 2nd largest French speaking city in the world, after Paris. 

•We are the home of the tallest totem pole in thw world, in Victoria. 

•Canada has a literacy rate of 99%. 

•We have braille on our currency (also Mexico, Israel, India). 

•The Mall of the Americas is owned by Canadians. 

•We have no Weapons of Mass Destruction as 1984, and have signed treaties repudiating their possesion. 

•After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Canada declared war against the Japanese before the U.S. 

•Canadian Police Services give out Positive Tickets when they see someone doing something positive. 

•Americans have invaded Canada twice, in 1775 and 1812. They lost both times. 

•We were the 3rd country in space. And considered to have the most advanced space program in 1962.

•The Avro. 

•Our inventions, advancements and discoveries include: the telephone, baskeball, the electric range, IMAX, insulin, and stem cells. 

I hope this has let people know that we are so much more than the "little brother" of the U.S.  

Be Proud. 
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