Saturday, 30 January 2016

The Nemeses of Driving

Top ten piss offs of my driving experience. 

10.  Slow drivers in the passing lane.
I am well aware that the left lane is NOT a fast lane. However, when I am attempting to pass slower traffic and slowers drivers remain in the left lane, I become aggravated. Drivers! Please check your mirrors. Know where drivers are around you. And get out of the way. 

9.    Cell phone talkers
It is the law. If it isn't hands free, put it down. 

8.    Not turning into the appropriate
When you are turning right, it is common sense that you turn into the nearer lane: the right hand lane. Allowing those turning left to turn into the left lane. This allows traffic to move smoothly. The opposite applies to those turning left. Avoid accidents and slowing down traffic flow. Stay in the appropriate lane when turning. 

7.    Bad merging practices
At some point in time you will have to join faster moving traffic. When entering this traffic, there is lane that eventually ends at which point you are to merge. This lane is an acceleration lane. It means you are suppose to speed up to the speed of the highway. This avoids fender benders and car pile ups. 
Also those on the highway, it is your responsibility to allow merging cars into the highway traffic. It means changing out of the right lane.  

6.    Not checking blind spot. 
I am aware that some fancy cars have a blindspot warning. But some day that will break and most cars on the road do not have this feature. Your blindspot, when driving, is a part of the surrounding area of your vehicle that cannot been seen by your mirrors. By giving a quick glance over your shoulder to make sure the way is free, allows you to move left or right without side swiping a fellow driver. Taking this precaution will make you, your fellow drivers, and your insurance company very happy. 

5.    Intersection blockers
We live in North America. It is a culture that revolves around the automobile. The amount of money that is spent on advertising by the car companies is teatimony to this. 
As a result there is gridlock. It is frustrating but a necessary evil. But pulling into an intersection, when you cannot clear the intersection, you are adding to the problem. We are all in a rush to get to where we are going. Don't prevent someone else from getting to their destination. 

4.    Pesdestrians not on sidewalks. 
At some point in time the city planners figured out that pedestrian deaths are reduced when they are given a designated area on the streets. So why are some of you not using them?  And dressed all in black at night increases your chances of being run down. If this is your goal, your success is imminent. 
Also those who chose to step into the street while waiting for the traffic light to change, are also looking to be run down. Someone attempting to make a right hand turn (on a red light. permitted in Ontario) may run you down. Is the designated sidewalk too small?  Is it so important to be the first one across the street?  Please allow drivers their space. 

3.    Cyclist that don't know they are 
        a vehicle. 
I have respect for cyclists, especially those who are couriers. But according to the Ontario Traffic Act, you are a vehicle. This means that you must obey the same signals, laws and signage that a motor vehicle must obey. This for your protection. Protect yourself. Someone wants you to come home at the end of the day. 

2.    Highway 401. 
Need I say more.?

1.    Indicator non users. 
Many drivers may not have read their car manual. I am pretty sure that among many features that are described in this novel are the indicators and the tool used to control them. In case this page is missing from your manual, their purpose is to inform other drivers of your intention to turn or change lanes. This may seem a tedious thing but it will make you loved by other drivers. 

I am sure their are many things on the roads that burn your buns. Please feel to share. 

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