Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Equality for All?

 I am sure that we are all aware of the leaked US Supreme Court draft decision, written by His Honour Alito, that, if past, will over turn Roe v. Wade.  The Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 secured the right of American women to seek an abortion without government interference.  It was my original intention to go into a long rant about how horrible this is for women, in the US, but as I researched, another broader issue came to mind.  Why does it seem that most people in an uproar about this are women.  When any citizen is denied a right or freedom, all citizens suffer.  

There are many studies, by the UN, Australia and many social organization that conclude that when there is complete gender equality, everyone benefits.  Company profits increase, Gross Domestic Product increases, poverty is decreases, violent crime against women and children decreases which frees up more funds to be used in curbing other types of crime.  

So, since this is the case, why are men not as pissed off as women.  I am tired of hearing from men that tell me they are not interested in women's issues, especially health concerns.  Why is it so hard for a man to hear about menstruation, cramps, ovulation, and menopause. Do you have a mother, a sister, a daughter?  If you do and you love them at all, why are you not as concerned as they are?  

Honestly, men need to get over it.  If most women can discuss erectile dysfunction, prostate cancer and testicular cancer, why are some men so disgusted by "women parts?" Everything that I listed above are natural body functions, not sorcery or a strange mutation.  But for some reason, women are supposed to keep all of it a secret for what; to prevent men from some discomfort?  The point is that none of these should cause discomfort, any more than premature ejaculation should cause discomfort to women.  By the way, I am not uncomfortable with men's reproductive health concerns, nor should any women.

This to me is another indication that women have a long way to go before we can be considered full citizens of the world.  Until we get to the point when there is no such thing as "Women's Health Issues" and just Health Issues, we will always be marginalized.  The fact that a separate government department has to be created to have women issues addressed, is proof positive that governments, which are dominated by men, do not see female citizens as equal.  

Excuse my language, but WTF.  Are governments so short sighted that they don't realize that leaving half of a countries population behind, for the sake of power and control, harms everyone?  Is "sharing the wealth" for the benefit of all so incomprehensible?  If so, why? Egomania, power addiction, a need to compensate for believed deficiencies?  


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