Humility: n. humble (showing a low estimate of one's importance) attitude of mind.
Humiliation: n. the harming of the dignity or self respect of ...
So, thank you Mr. or Ms. Oxford, for the rest of us in the real world, what does this mean. Well I am going to tell you what it means to me.
Humiliation is an attack on a soul, and has no place in my life. To allow it to be done to me hinders my growth and causing it to another hurts us both. We are in this world together and if we are to make it a better place we must build each other up not tear each other down.
Humility means that I am teachable. It means that I recognize that every one on this planet; past, present and future; have a spiritual purpose. And that all individuals that I meet on this journey called life have something to teach me. And I mean everybody, from the geniuses of the hallowed halls of higher education to the illetrate poor of any where in the world. I believe that I am on this planet to grow as a spiritual being and to do so I must remain teachable by whomever is teaching the lesson. I am an important being and am here for a significant reason. However, I am no more important than anyone else and everyone's purpose is as significant as mine. By maintaining this attitude, I am open to new experiences and more knowledge and hopefully more wisdom.
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