We all have bad days. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of burnt toast syndrome. It's that day when you wake up late; your coffee maker doesn’t work; and your toast burns; your bus is late and it’s raining; you’re late for work, and your boss blasts you. Then, the printer jams, as it often does and you explode, yelling, screaming, cursing and you have to be restrained not to through it out the window.
Of course it is not the printer that has cause your reaction, but the build up of all those other things. This is a bad day.
It is also important to remember that there are some, myself included, that don’t need events to cause a bad day. It is just the way we are. Our brain is wired differently. We did not ask for it nor can we change it. We can only accept it. This does not mean we like it, only that we accept that, no matter what our efforts, there will always be bad days.
There are things I chose to do. I chose to make my bed; it's a little thing, but it's something I’ve accomplished at the end of even the worse day and it gives me motivation to not go to bed and just feel sorry for myself. I chose to take whatever vitamins, and medication that help my condition. I chose to reach out to those I know love and understand me, without judgement or attempts to “fix” me. I chose to eat, as much as I don’t want to, I eat. It may only be a piece of toast with pb&j, but it nourishes and comforts me. I chose to have tea, and perhaps a hot bath. I chose self care for this is when I need it the most.
There’s many out there who battle mental illness. These individuals are the bravest and strongest people I know. They are not weak or somehow less than anyone else. In fact, you may know someone who deals with these issues and not even know it. It is in our nature to not want to worry those around us or, perhaps more often, we are trying to avoid the stigma and misunderstandings of others.
For those of us who do this battle every day, do the do things, and remember :
This. Thank you Steph for writing this although it made me cry I feel like someone out there understands.
I’m glad it helped you feel better.
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