Monday, 11 March 2024

Life’s Meaning

What is the meaning of life?  

Many a philosopher have pondered this question. 

“The ultimate goal of human existence is not just to live but to live a good meaning and virtuous life.”  Socrates.

“…to know and understand the truth or the ‘eidos’ of the good…” Plato.

“Rivers know this:  there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”  Winnie the Pooh.

“Today I will behave as if this is the day I will be remembered.”  Dr. Seuss. 

As accomplished as Socrates and Plato may be, as philosophers go, I prefer Winnie the Pooh and Dr. Seuss. They just seem to keep life simple. 

As simple as they keep there thinking, it doesn’t mean it’s easy. I often wonder what is my purpose, as I think every person should do, at least occasionally. 

There are as many purposes to life as there are people in the world; and not a one is the same. 
That is a pretty daunting thought, but it means that the only purpose for which you are looking, is your own. For some, including me, it’s hard to believe that in the mass of humanity that I’m special. 

The fact is that I am, as is everyone. Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson explained it best. We are each unique. In all the people that have been, in all the people that are, and all the people that will ever be, and the people that could be, there is no one like me. Ominous. Miraculous. 

Logic only dictates that means I have a singular purpose. The next question is how to know what it is. This is the challenging part. 

There are many ways to undertake this search. For a time, I wandered along aimlessly trying to be what was expected by the situation in which I was, or the people with whom I was. This was both exhausting and futile. 

At sometime I realized a few important life lessons. I wish I could give credit to my teachers but it didn’t come in bolt of lightning. It was a long time coming; and a long time learning. 

Through life experience, I have learned that I’m smarter than I think, braver than I believe, and stronger than I seem. (Another Winnie quote.) Because of this, I know that I cannot only survive life’s trials and tribulations, but grow and thrive. 

I’m not meant to be Nelson Mandela or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Those jobs have been taken. I’m meant to be Stephanie A. Maidens. The best I can be today, and even better tomorrow. Some days that may involve teaching and most definitely learning. To do so, I have to keep my eyes open for the opportunities. This is not always easy for me. I tend to be a bit on the stubborn side. Honestly, being of Swedish and Irish decent, I really didn’t have a choice. But the signs are always there. It could be in nature to teach me about the wonders around me. It could be seeing those less fortunate than me to remind me that “There but for the grace of God go I.”  

To truly know my purpose for today, I pray “ for the knowledge of God’s will for me and the power to carry that out.”  I admit that I forget the last part of that prayer. This is when I can get overwhelmed by the task in front of me. I have yelled at my Higher Power more than once. “Are you FKG crazy?”  May be S/He is sometimes, but S/He has never been wrong. 

So does all this answer the question of my purpose?  I know that my purpose changes daily. Sometimes it’s monumental. Sometimes it’s just taking the garbage can to the curb. No matter, if I’m being me, I’m succeeding. 


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