If you don't know about this era, don't worry. Prime Minister Harper is bringing it to Canada. With Bill C-51, the Conservative Government is introducing legislation that they say will protect us from terrorist attacks.
It is the government's responsibility to protect the citizens. But I question their methods when my civil rights are at risk.
In Bill C-51, there is no clear definition of the word "threat." This could include many protests, peaceful or otherwise. The bill allows the petitioning of federal court judges to order "threat reduction" activities which could include an infringement of civil rights in Canada and abroad.
If you should find yourself on a no fly list, your means of appeal are limited. I am someone who has family in South America and Europe, as many Canadians. This is a threat to our freedom and no way to fight for our right to travel.
Finally, there is a lack of checks and balances in this new bill that gives great powers with little accountability.
Many of us may say, it doesn't affect us because we are not "part" of that culture. We obey the laws of our country. But this is no guarantee that we may not become a target just for expressing an opinion that is against government or its policies.
Benjamin Franklin once said "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserves neither liberty nor safety."
We are priviledged to live in a free country. Yes, this means that there is an inherent risk of attacks of all sorts. I am willing to deal with the risk so that I and all Canadians continue to enjoy the freedoms to which we have become accustom. I urge you to take action against Bill C-51 to inform our government that our rights will not be violated.
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