Thursday, 26 March 2015

Lessons learnt over the last 16 353 days

This is what I have learned over my lifetime. Do not discount them for their simplicity. 

True love does not have strings. 

Learning knowledge is not gaining wisdom. 

Before speaking should come thinking. 

The most important part of falling down is getting back up. 

Never ever settle for second best. 

Ask the question. The worse they can say is no. And you are no worse than before you asked the question. 

You say more by listening than speaking. 

Don't stop seeing the world for the first time. 

My heart always has room to love one more person. 

Real strength isn't found in your muscles, it's found in your soul. 

A day is only 24 hours, not forever. 

Never underestimate the power of a smile and a kind word. 

The decision does change anything. Only the action does.

God always believes I am stronger than I think. He is always right. 

Find that one person who has your back. Be the person who has someone elses back. 

Never lose your silly side. You will need it for the toughest times in your life. 

Compassion and understanding are in short supply. Make a deposit. 

A kiss and a hug doesn't make everything better. But it helps. 

My happiness is in direct relation to my level of acceptance. 

Happiness is an inside job. 

My right to extend my arm ends at the tip of your nose. 

Taking out your garbage makes room for better stuff. 

Everyone I meet teaches me something. Sometimes it is what I don't want to be. 

To love another person is to see the face of God. 

The Sun will rise tomorrow. How I greet it is up to me. 

Parenthood IS the toughest job you'll ever love. 

My beauty does not depend on my dress size. 

Only tattoo the names of your children on your body. Partners come and go. But kids are forever. 

We all have a reason for being here, whether we know the reason or not. 

If you pray why worry. If you worry why pray. 

Faith has nothing to do with religion or politics. 

Every religion has killed in the name of their God. Though I doubt God ever asked them too. 

God does not hate anyone, even people who hate. 

You get what you give. 


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