Tuesday, 14 December 2021

My Stress = My Issue

Christmas brings stress for me.  And worse than that, it is all self imposed. 
Since I have reached adulthood and have hosted Christmases in my own home, I have been in search of the elusive "Perfect Christmas."  It is so elusive to me, I lose sight what it looks like. 
I honestly can't remember a bad Christmas in my life.  There were always presents, turkey, ham and all the usual treats; in fact probably more than a lot of people. My Mom and Dad were always happy to receive presents from all their Children; from the macaroni collage to the print from their favourite artist and their favourite sweet treat. 
Many years my parents would tell us that Christmas would be smaller.  I never noticed a difference.  The turkey may have been smaller. The tree may not of been as tall.  Maybe we did not get everything on our wish list.  But every year, it felt like the best Christmas ever.  So if this is the case, why do I not think I can't make a perfect Christmas.  Maybe I know more about it more than I think. 
I know that every Christmas I do my best to have those little traditions that are unique to our family that bring a smile to faces. Some may seem silly to some, but I would have it no other way.  Our tree has never been decorated like those in catalogues or window displays and I have loved them every year.  There have been years when the turkey was over cooked and the stuffing was dry or too spicy.  I have forgotten the lingonberries for the meatballs.  Nonetheless, everyone was happy. So what is my problem?
I can get so wrapped up the superficial, commercial definition of Christmas, that I forget that my family and I are not superficial commercial people.  We our a family that is firmly rooted in love. I have never had a challenge in that most important part of the Holidays or any other time of the year. I am confident that my family knows how much I love them and I was taught and teach that IT IS the thought that counts.  
The perfect Christmas is more than attainable. In fact, every year on Boxing Day, I have said that Christmas was the best ever.  There was always family.  There was always love.  And for me, that is all I ever truly want. 
This year I will forget what "they" say Christmas is supposed to be.  It doesn't matter if the presents aren't perfectly wrapped, or if the tree is lop sided, or if the dog/cat eats the turkey before it gets put in the oven.  What matters is that my home has love, and as long as I am alive, and maybe even when I am a ghost, my family will know I love them.
Enjoy Christmas with love, with all its goofs,  snags and imperfections.  


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