So. I took a few weeks off the Blog in January. I don’t think I am alone when I say that January is a tough month. It starts with the downer after the Christmas Celebrations. It seems to me very long and dark and Spring it way to far away. And an 18 month long pandemic is an added damper to my mood.
Because of this self care is very important for me this time of year. I know that self care is a buzz term these days. It seems that the marketing departments of every company has latched on to the concept and spun it to get you to buy whatever service or product they sell. I don’t consider a new vacuum cleaner self care. I don’t consider adding a new fragrance to my laundry, that will last 12 weeks, self care. I do not have enough clothes that I need “freshness” for 12 weeks. Really, are there people out there that are not wearing the same gitch for 3 months. Finally, I don’t consider injecting my face with botulism (botox) self care; really, needles and a deadly poison. Just not a good mix for me.
I know that for some, all of these may very well make people feel better. And by all means, you do you, Boo.
My “taking care of me” has many forms, some rather main stream, others maybe not so much. I do indulge in a spa day, whether alone or with my daughter or close friend. Getting a my hair cut and styled also give me the feeling of a Gold Star. Even a nice bubble bath, by candle light, listening to my favourite jazz mix can put a smile on my face.
Now, there are days when my needs are more primal. I used to think that spending an hour watching silly animal video on Instagram made me just a procrastinator. But they always put a smile on my face and made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Is it really a waste of time if it makes me feel better?
I have been known to have even worse days. These are days of extreme self loathing. A waste of skin and bones is a perfect synopsis for my self image. On these occasions more drastic measures are necessary. Luckily, television offers many resources. Watching an episode of Dr. Phil gives me un refutable evidence that I am ok. Not meaning to sound too judgey, but I am not 45 year old living in my parents basement, unemployed, not seeking work, and playing video games or watching reality TV all day. Seeing people like that reminds me that I am successful at my job; and I have raise some pretty awesome kids, who are also not living in my basement. I pay my bills, I have a roof over my head and clothes on my back.
I must admit that I have even worse days than that. I can’t even describe how bad those days are. Getting out of bed can be just too much. Thank God, I have pets that force me to get up. On these days, far more desperate actions are needed. I am almost ashamed to say this but I have to watched Jerry Springer. I watch less than a half an hour and feel so much better. I am not having sexual relationship with my pet goat.
These rather unorthodox methods of self care may not be right for everyone, but I am not everyone. I am me. These work for me.
The most vital part of keeping yourself physically, mentally, emotionally healthy is to find out works for you. If cleaning your house cleans your mind and soul; do it. If having a pyjama day and a classic movie marathon make you feel like a million bucks; do it. If reading a novel, of any kind, take some stress away; do it.
Some may see this as being lazy and self indulgent. My answer is: Yes, what is your point?
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